Top Stories published by Datafund in 2017

Transforming the ecosystem of personal data

Based on the previous article let’s go a step further and see how the transformation of personal data into tradeable assets can change the relevant ecosystem.

Introducing Datafund — enabling a democratic data society

In the first blog post, we outlined our motivations for starting the Datafund project. In this blog post, we’ll provide context of regulatory changes ahead and how it is shaping our environment.

Datafund — Use of funds and how to be part of the presale

On November 30, Datafund will participate in the Playoffs. We are onboarding the earliest community members. As we said in our Telegram group, the primary motivation for the presale is to onboard as many as possible new…

Vote for Datafund, vote for privacy

In our previous posts we introduced the issues with personal data, that Datafund is about enabling a democratic data society, how individuals should be compensated for usage of their data and how the personal data ecosystem will evolve.