One step closer to a fairer data exchange

Published in
2 min readOct 25, 2018


For the last couple of months, we have kept our heads down, coding and working on the milestones set in our roadmap. Albeit the road has somewhat changed under our feet, the end goal remains the same — a Fair Data society with the individual at the centre.

To get there we will have to take numerous steps and we’re proud to say that we’ve taken a new one in that direction. The Datafund reclaim platform is alive and kicking and now it gives us great pleasure to announce that we’ll soon showcase our new POC demos. The first demonstration will take place at the Swarm Mini Summit in Prague on October 29.

We’ll keep it on the hush-hush until then, but what we can say is that this last few months have been educational in every aspect. You see, in Web 2.0 everything has already been coded. Really. Any problem you may have, somebody has already solved it for you on Stack Overflow. The game changes drastically when you take something from that old world and try to remake it in a decentralised, blockchain-based fashion. Then you’re on your own and you have to get creative.

We did and we’ll let others be the judge of the extent. Still, regardless of the ongoing trials and errors, we believe that the release will be a useful contribution to the community creating the new data exchange paradigm. The code will be open source, our way of saying “Thank you” so that anyone can take it and #buidl upon our work.

It’s great to see the world changing. It’s even better to be actively contributing to that change. We kindly invite you to join us — it’ll take all hands on deck to reach our destination. So, meet us in Prague, or just join the conversation on our channels. We’d love to have you. See you there!


